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OnPoint: February 19, 2015

Georgia Public Service Commissioner Tim Echols

Ga. PSC's Echols says state taking wait-and-see approach on Power Plan compliance mechanism


OnPoint: February 17, 2015

Renewable Fuels Association President Bob Dinneen

RFA's Dinneen offers blistering critique of Searchinger research, talks future of RFS policy reform


OnPoint: January 22, 2015

ClearView Energy Partners' Managing Director Kevin Book

ClearView Energy's Book discusses future of 'all of the above,' climate policies


Special Report: January 21, 2015

State of the Union

Lawmakers react to president's climate, energy agenda 


OnPoint: November 4, 2014

Sidley Austin's Roger Martella 

Former EPA General Counsel Roger Martella says EPA emissions plan will not survive court challenges


OnPoint: October 28, 2014

League of Conservation Voters' President Gene Karpinski

LCV's Gene Karpinski discusses final spending push ahead of midterms 


OnPoint: September 22, 2014

House Energy & Commerce Committee Member Rep. Bob Latta (R-Ohio)
Latta discusses the state of play on energy policy in Congress and talks about the economic impacts of EPA's Clean Power Plan 


OnPoint: September 2, 2014

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Cheryl LaFleur
Chairman LaFleur talks carbon rule challenges, reliability, Order 1000, and Senate energy politics 


OnPoint: July 31, 2014

Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner David Cash
Cash says U.S. EPA likely to revise its Clean Power Plan formula in final rule

OnPoint: July 17, 2014

Former FERC Commissioner Marc Spitzer
Spitzer discusses the politics of the Senate's FERC confirmation deal


​OnPoint: June 4, 2014

National Mining Association president Hal Quinn

​Quinn discusses the coal industry's plans for state lobbying on the econmics and politics of EPA's Clean Power Plan


Special Report: January 29, 2014

State of the Union

Senate, House members react to President's climate and energy agenda 


Special Report: January 28, 2014

Distributed Generation

Utility, regulatory and renewable energy experts debate the issues surrounding distributed generation 

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