Featured Speaking Engagements
Embracing Energy Innovation; Capitol Hill, Washington, DC; June 28, 2016
Topic: Energy, Innovation, and Corporate Leadership
American Petroleum Institute Vote 4 Energy; Washington, DC; June 21, 2016;
Topic: Energy and the Elections
Capitol Hill Ocean Week; Washington, DC; June 8, 2016
Topic: A Changing Offshore Energy Portfolio
U.S. Assoc. for Energy Economics Conference; Washington, DC; April 13, 2016;
Topic: Beyond the Rhetoric: The Energy Economics of Addressing Climate Change
American Bar Association Section of Environment, Energy and Resources' Fall Conference, Chicago, Illinois; October 30, 2015
Topic: Litigating the Administration’s Clean Power Plan
2015 Carbon Forum North America; New York, NY; September 24, 2015
Topic: Implications of the Clean Power Plan: Is There a Future for Emissions Trading?
2015 Combined Heat and Power Conference; Washington, DC; September 15, 2015
Topic: Keynote Address: Energy Policy and the Press
Progressive Policy Institute, Washington, DC; June 10, 2015
Topic: Future Grid: The Role of Federal and State Energy Policy in 2025
2015 Department of Energy ARPA-E Summit, Washington, DC; February 10, 2015
Topic: Let's debate: Is natural gas a bridge, detour or destination fuel to a low carbon future?
The Pew Charitable Trusts, The New Energy Landscape: Policy and Progress in 2015, Washington, DC; February 3, 2015
Topic: Looking into the Congressional crystal ball
Large Public Power Council Post Election Forum, Washington, DC; December 10, 2014
Topic: Previewing the 114th Congress
RealClearPolitics Energy Summit: U.S. Energy Policy and the Midterm Elections, Washington, DC; October 16, 2014
Topic: U.S. EPA's Clean Power Plan and climate change
International Emissions Trading Association's Carbon Forum North America, New York City; September 23, 2014
Topic: Perspectives on EPA CO2 guidelines for existing sources; Best System of Emissions Reductions; Rate vs. mass-based standards
2014 Energy Efficiency Global Forum (EE Global), Washington, DC; May 20, 2014
Topic: Role of governments in increasing efficiency through regulations and federal climate plans
American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE), Washington, DC; April 11, 2014
Topic: National storylines impacting the U.S. clean energy sector
25th Annual Rocky Mountain Energy Summit, Denver, Colorado; August 7, 2013
Topic: The Wildly Divergent Views of Oil and Gas Potential
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC; May 21, 2013
Topic: America’s Energy Future: Keystone XL
Nuclear Energy Institute’s Communicating Nuclear Issues Conference, Naples, Florida; February 19, 2013
Topic: The 113th Congress: Salient Issues and Industry Priorities
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Unconventional Oil Symposium, Washington, DC; January 9, 2013
Topic: Oil Choices: Policy & the Public Interest
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Presidential Energy Debate, Cambridge, Massachusetts; October 5, 2012
Served as questioner during debate
International Emissions Trading Association’s Carbon Expo 2011, Barcelona, Spain; June 1, 2011
Topic: North American Plenary Session